buzz word - translation to ρωσικά
Λεξικό ChatGPT
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Μετάφραση και ανάλυση λέξεων από την τεχνητή νοημοσύνη ChatGPT

Σε αυτήν τη σελίδα μπορείτε να λάβετε μια λεπτομερή ανάλυση μιας λέξης ή μιας φράσης, η οποία δημιουργήθηκε χρησιμοποιώντας το ChatGPT, την καλύτερη τεχνολογία τεχνητής νοημοσύνης μέχρι σήμερα:

  • πώς χρησιμοποιείται η λέξη
  • συχνότητα χρήσης
  • χρησιμοποιείται πιο συχνά στον προφορικό ή γραπτό λόγο
  • επιλογές μετάφρασης λέξεων
  • παραδείγματα χρήσης (πολλές φράσεις με μετάφραση)
  • ετυμολογία

buzz word - translation to ρωσικά

Resonance (social); Social resonance; Word-of-mouth; Word of Mouth; PR buzz; Word-of-Mouth; Word-of-web; Word-of-mouth communication; Word Of Mouth

buzz word      


общая лексика

усилительное слово (часто бессмысленное)

используемое в профессиональном жаргоне

ироническое выражение

учёное или специальное словечко


способное произвести впечатление на непосвящённого

word size         
Computer word; Word size; Word length; Wordlength; 10-bit; Halfword; Dword (Computer); Qword; Machine word; DWORD; DWord; Dword; Data word; Double word; Word orientation; Word-oriented; Word oriented; Word (unit); Word (data type); Word width; Memory word; Bitness; Binary word; Variable word-length computer; Variable word-length architecture; Variable word-length machine; Variable word length architecture; Variable word length computer; Variable word length machine; Variable word architecture; Variable word-length (computer hardware); Variable word length (computer hardware); 32-bit word; 32bit word; Catena (unit); Catena (computing); Catenae (unit); Catenae (computing); Storage word; 16-bit word; 16 bit word; 32 bit word; 48-bit word; 48 bit word; 51 bit word; 51-bit word; 60-bit word; 60 bit word; 64 bit word; 64-bit word; 96 bit word; 96-bit word; Word size (computing); Quarterword; Variable word length; Fullword; Kiloword

общая лексика

размер слова

определяется архитектурой процессора. Термин чаще всего ссылается на число разрядов, которое может одновременно передаваться по шине данных или храниться и обрабатываться в регистрах процессора. Обычно это 8, 16, 32 или 64 разряда. В ЭВМ первого и второго поколения, когда не было понятия байта, термин буквально относился к длине машинного слова

machine word         
Computer word; Word size; Word length; Wordlength; 10-bit; Halfword; Dword (Computer); Qword; Machine word; DWORD; DWord; Dword; Data word; Double word; Word orientation; Word-oriented; Word oriented; Word (unit); Word (data type); Word width; Memory word; Bitness; Binary word; Variable word-length computer; Variable word-length architecture; Variable word-length machine; Variable word length architecture; Variable word length computer; Variable word length machine; Variable word architecture; Variable word-length (computer hardware); Variable word length (computer hardware); 32-bit word; 32bit word; Catena (unit); Catena (computing); Catenae (unit); Catenae (computing); Storage word; 16-bit word; 16 bit word; 32 bit word; 48-bit word; 48 bit word; 51 bit word; 51-bit word; 60-bit word; 60 bit word; 64 bit word; 64-bit word; 96 bit word; 96-bit word; Word size (computing); Quarterword; Variable word length; Fullword; Kiloword
машинное слово


Word of mouth

Word of mouth, also called viva voce, is the passing of information from person to person using oral communication, which could be as simple as telling someone the time of day. Storytelling is a common form of word-of-mouth communication where one person tells others a story about a real event or something made up. Oral tradition is cultural material and traditions transmitted by word of mouth through successive generations. Storytelling and oral tradition are forms of word of mouth that play important roles in folklore and mythology. Another example of oral communication is oral history—the recording, preservation and interpretation of historical information, based on the personal experiences and opinions of the speaker. Oral history preservation is the field that deals with the care and upkeep of oral history materials collected by word of mouth, whatever format they may be in.

Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για buzz word
1. Management — the buzz word of our times — was rarely heard in the early days.
2. "The words ‘path to citizenship‘ is a buzz word for amnesty," he said.
3. Market share became the buzz word among the Saudi energy managers, and perhaps rightly so.
4. Confrontation is not the buzz word in the industry in the present circumstances.
5. Flexibility is the new buzz word when it comes to the batting order all very well if players are experienced enough to adjust to different roles.
Μετάφραση του &#39buzz word&#39 σε Ρωσικά